Opportunity Details
Maggie Walker Day of Service & Celebration
When you are volunteering, please follow these tips for healthy volunteering. HandsOn Greater Richmond emphasizes the importance of following CDC guidance.
Please join the City of Richmond Department of Parks, Recreation & Community Facilities and the Maggie L. Walker National Historic Site for a morning of community service commemorating the birthday of Maggie Lena Walker.
One of Richmond's most beloved Black female community advocates, Maggie Walker was a bank president, newspaper editor, and fraternal leader who devoted herself to a life of service. She recognized that by pulling together, a community could greatly advance civil rights, economic empowerment, and educational opportunities for Jim Crow-era African Americans.
In that same spirit of service to community, please join us on Saturday, July 17 to recognize and honor Walker's legacy of building community in Richmond's Jackson Ward. Service projects will be active from 9 AM until 11 AM. Celebration with light refreshments at the Maggie L. Walker Historic Site in Jackson Ward to follow.
PLEASE BRING: Sturdy shoes for walking, a personal water source, and apply sunscreen.
Age Minimum (with Adult): 10+, Minimum Age:10+, Court Ordered Volunteer - Allowed
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- Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
- Create a new team to sign up.
Signup Questions
Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity: