While Altria group volunteering is on hold due to COVID-19, you can still volunteer individually through HandsOn of Greater Richmond. Here’s how:
Choose to volunteer remotely or onsite with a nonprofit. Click on a button to the right.
You will need to register as a volunteer on the HandsOn site, unless you have previously registered. Please use your Altria email. You will be prompted to register when you sign up to volunteer.
After you’ve volunteered, be sure to log your hours on Altria’s act platform. With Reward Your Time, you can turn your volunteer time into a donation to your favorite nonprofit!
If you have volunteering questions, please contact Danée Hudson, Corporate Program Manager, Community Foundation for a greater Richmond, 804-380-3408 or dhudson@cfrichmond.org. For act questions, contact Anitra Bailey, anitra.l.bailey@altria.com. As always, please practice tips for healthy volunteering!
Don't live in Richmond? Email Julie Walsh, jwalsh@pointsoflight.org, for information on nationwide volunteer opportunities.