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While Altria group volunteering is on hold due to COVID-19, you can still volunteer individually through HandsOn of Greater Richmond. Here’s how:

  • Choose to volunteer remotely or onsite with a nonprofit. Click on a button to the right.

  • You will need to register as a volunteer on the HandsOn site, unless you have previously registered. Please use your Altria email. You will be prompted to register when you sign up to volunteer.

  • After you’ve volunteered, be sure to log your hours on Altria’s act platform. With Reward Your Time, you can turn your volunteer time into a donation to your favorite nonprofit!

If you have volunteering questions, please contact Danée Hudson, Corporate Program Manager, Community Foundation for a greater Richmond, 804-380-3408 or dhudson@cfrichmond.org. For act questions, contact Anitra Bailey, anitra.l.bailey@altria.com. As always, please practice tips for healthy volunteering!


Don't live in Richmond?  Email Julie Walsh, jwalsh@pointsoflight.org, for information on nationwide volunteer opportunities. 


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